Week 23 Coming Soon

New Improved, Coming Soon, these are statements to try to get the reader excited enough to take action.  By action I mean to buy, to look for in the anticipation of getting something.

When I started the MKMMA experience I was anticipating the completion of the course.  Now I am no longer anticipating the end of the course or the beginning of my life after the course ends.  BECAUSE I AM DOING IT NOW! My life has changed, not just for the duration of the course like so many other classes, but forever.  There have been so many AH HA moments that I can’t mention them all.  The habits I have developed have turned a major corner on this journey called Life.  The old road needed paving, and general maintenance just to be able to survive on.  The new road is exciting and well designed.  I know, because i designed and am building it to my specifications with other’s help.  I will be constantly improving and making my road easier to travel on.   Many people will benefit from my road making their lives better by being on it.  They may turn onto it blindly at first but they will soon see the many benefits to the construction and design.  Their lives can be changed as well.

23 weeks ago I anticipated finishing my journey and heading home, but I realized I was home the whole time.  Home is where the heart is not a dwelling. The journey on this new road will be exciting !


Week 22A The Awakening

Sunrise     A new Day   The Dawn

New Insights

New Observations

New Warmth

  New Beauty

New Lessons

New Confidence

New Opportunity  

New Hope.

We have been on a journey for several weeks and in reality our lifetimes.  I feel like the end of a long night (my life) is coming to a new day.  This 22 weeks has been the changing from the dark of midnight to the dawn.  The excitement and anticipation of the new day and all that it brings. A new experience to observe, learn, think and grow.  Be thankful for the new day. Awaken to the opportunities to make the world a better place because of your presence.  No matter what your sunrise brings, be grateful and let your light shine!

Week 22 Silence

We were asked to sit in silence, to not talk or listen to media or others for as long as we could. It reminded me of the experience I had in an anechoic chamber. It is a rom that insulates you from the outside noise as well as stops all reflected noise that you make.

I had a chance to be in one once and it was very strange. I could hear my heart beat, the blood circulating, and the noise when you move a body part is amazing almost frightening.  All these things we don’t associate any noise to really are noisy.

We think we would be better able to concentrate if we could eliminate all distractions, but in a chamber like this we become the distraction. We experience the internal noises our bodies make. You focus on your inner you. The things your subconscious and conscious brain are telling your body to do. Your thoughts seem to scream and make it hard to focus. It turns out if you do the research we humans do best at about the 29 db noise level. This is a very quiet area in today’s world. (by comparison a normal conversation is 60db)

So when you need to get away from the rat race, when you want silence there is a place you can go. By looking inward, within blocking out the world of distractions, go on a mini vacation Relax, Rejuvenate and Rejoice in the marvelous you think your dreams into reality.


When I was younger I ran the 440 yard low Hurdles for fun. By that I mean I was a Highjumper and ran the hurdles while waiting for the high jump bar to get up to my starting height. I wasn’t particularly good at the hurdles, but did it for the challenge and it beat just sitting around waiting.. This race is an interesting one. The hurdles were low and I am tall so the first ones were a little more than a step over obstacle. This continued, feeling no pain and enjoying the race for the first 2/3 of the distance. Then it happens… The Big Green Wall! (That’s what we called that thing where everything goes from feeling great, relaxed and confident to Holy Mackerel every step is work and you wonder if you will be able to finish the race.) No matter how much you trained it always happened about the same place, and never felt any better. After a few more steps the terrible feelings went away as the finish line comes into view. The confidence grows, the pain diminishes and you finish strong.
This pattern repeats itself in life. The races can be anything from a race, a journey or even a class. Take a road trip for example; everyone anticipates the trip, starts out with the wide eyed excitement and wonder of a young child where everything is new and wondrous. As the journey continues the newness wares off, the work, the boredom, etc. takes over. Go a little further and you begin to hear “are we there yet?” No matter how wonderful the trip is a level of fatigue sets in. This is the point where it is easy to give up, to say to yourself the pain is too much, to say it’s too much work, it’s not worth it.
This is precisely the time that review of your goal, focus, determination, and a re-evaluation of why you are doing it need to be done. In short, time to finish strong! This MKMMA course has been an incredible journey so far. Scheduled for 26 weeks we are now at week 21. That Big Green Wall has shown itself. Just know the finish line is in sight and now we need to remember why we signed up for this course.
We committed to doing this course for 26 weeks and we always keep our promises. Keep the habits we have developed and finish strong.
This course has one twist to the examples I’ve discussed so far. This is a life changing course. The finish is really the beginning. These changes will continue as long as we want the changes, use the tools we were shown to lead to the results we want.
I have learned that life and everything in it is a miracle, including me. Since I am the best operator of my “miracle” I am going to finish and begin strong!

Week 20 ITS BROKEN!!! Fix it

12999755601542198536brokenchain1I’m kind of an engineer at heart.  I like to fix things that are broken (and some that aren’t)  I enjoy taking something apart, analizing how it was made, where the failure occurred, and designing a fix that is better than the original design.  Over the years my wife has stated that she likes it wheen thing break because they work better after I fix it. (Once in a while things don’t work out as expected and we get to buy a new one) but even that experience is fun.  Over the years I have filled several toolboxes with tools so I could fix things.  Having the tools, the desire and the ability to use them allowed me to have so many successes.

My life was broken, but nunlike physical items like irons, cars, etc it is much harder to recognize the failure, identify the cause of the failure and design a new fix that is better.  MKMMA came along, with the Scolarship program, and the opportunity to fix it if I was willing to put in the work and trust the process.  I recognized My life was broken, but couldn’t step back and look objectively at the situation.  Even if I had, I didn’t have the tools to fix it.

MKMMA has been a journey, sometimes fun, sometimes frustrating, sometimnes downright infuriating;  but I MADE THE COMMITTMENT  to do the work for the full 26 week program so here I am in week 20.  I have been writing these blogs each week for the full 20 weeks, and have shared my journey in them.  If you have some are inteerested, they are all listed on this blog and show my journey on a weekly basis.

This effort has allowed me to identify the failure,  look at the cause of the failure and review the design for my life.  The most incredible aspect of this journey is the Leaders worked hard NOT to influence my thoughts, but let me discover for myself.  This was done by giving me the tools and the ability to use the tools for profound life change.

I am 20 weeks of 26 for the “official MKMMA” journey, and my life has changed in enormous ways,  I am happier, excited to get up in the morning to greet the day and tackle the challanges of the day with a happy knack.  By this I mean I take on the day with confidence, a pleasant and peaceful demeanor which puts a smile on the faces of those I interact with.  I only havwe 6 more weeks of the course, but this has become a lifetime journey.  My blogs will continue to journal my trip and hopefully, if you feel your life is not where uyou wanted it to be might inspire you to consider this journey for yourself.


The story about Dorothy, a young girl who lives with her aunt, uncle, and dog Toto on a farm in Kansas begins in 1939. . One day a tornado sweeps up the farmhouse with Dorothy and Toto inside The house lands in Munchkin Country, located in Oz on the Wicked Witch of the East, killing her.
The Good Witch of the North gives Dorothy the Wicked Witch of the East’s ruby shoes. Dorothy wants to return home, but in order to do so, the Good Witch of the North tells her that she has to go to Emerald City and ask the Wizard of Oz for help. She must follow the yellow brick road to get to the emerald city.

As Dorothy follows the yellow brick road, she meets a Scarecrow, who wants a brain so he will be smarter, a Tin Woodman, who wants a heart so he will be more empathetic, and the Cowardly Lion who wants courage so he will be brave. The four of them continue to the Emerald City to ask the Wizard for help, but the path is not without obstacles.

Eventually they arrive at the Emerald City, where the Wizard of Oz appears. Before the Wizard will help any of them, he insists that they kill the Wicked Witch of the West.
Dorothy and her friends endure several attacks form the Wicked Witch before fulfilling his request. The Wizard Turns out to be a man from Nebraska who was caught in a hot air balloon and landed in OZ. Even though the Wizard doesn’t have any real magic, he gives the Scarecrow, Tin Woodman, and Lion tokens that represent their desired attributes: brains, a heart, and courage, respectively. Their faith in the Wizard and their own proven ability give them the confidence they need to be how they want to be.
In the end, Dorothy decides to ask Glinda, the Good Witch of the South, how to get home. She tells Dorothy that all she has to do is tap her ruby shoes. She taps her heels and returns home to Kansas with Toto.

This story is about Searching externally for something and the hardships they endure and the futility of that search while doing so. Each of them was looking for self-confidence. A Scarecrow thinking he wasn’t smart enough, a Tin Man who wanted empathy, and a Lion who wanted courage.
Each of them starts the journey excited that they will find what they want, but in reality they already had these attributes inside them; the tokens just gave them the belief in their internal power.
MKMMA is helping us learn how much power we all have inside us if we just recognize it and let it out.
What is it you are looking for that you already have?


When someone says they, or a product are going green what do you think of?  Do you think of something that has little impact on the world?  Or is it a product that is adding the label to market their product?  Does it use earth friendly ingredients?  Or possibly all natural and more specifically no Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs).

Well, I’m Going Green but not in the traditional sense of the phrase.  True I am a natural product born into this world, not genetically modified, and I consist of earth friendly ingredients.  But that is where the road turns.

I am  “green” from the standpoint of life direction. I am learning to live in harmony with the universe, in truth, in peace.  Learning to give more to the world than I receive from it.  I guess that could be considered uber green.  But I refuse to become invisible to the world.  To blend in, or minimize my impact.  I am in fact created in God’s likeness and was put on this earth for a purpose.   That purpose was not to be invisible so no one knows I am here, but to make my mark to use my uniqueness (those of you who know me quit rolling your eyes and laughing) to make the world a better place forever.  A little kindness can change a lot!

How can someone live earth friendly and make a huge impact on the world?  Check out the MKMMA course, invest the time and be the person you were put here to become.

Try a little tenderness,                                 Make your mark


Week 17A The Obituary

On January 30, 2015 Glen Underwood as he was known by many people died.
funny-tombstone-he-loved-bacon small
He died a forced death after fighting hard, clinging to life.  It wasn’t his choice.  He went to school, worked for several years, raised a family, got old and died. He is survived by his family and friends.  You are too late for his funeral… sorry.

Is that the way you want to be remembered?

This week in my MKMMA class we were tasked with reading one obituary a day from the paper (not online).  This gives a tactical level to the obituary, connects us to the obituary physically.  It didn’t really matter which one I read.  The people were truly loved by their families and will be missed.  Not one said “Good Riddance”.  But there was something missing… There wasn’t anything mentioned about the contributions about how the world was better for them being here.  I found that sad.  It could be the timing for the writing of the obituary, the emotionally drained person having to sum up an entire loved one’s life in just a few paragraphs, or just looking in the paper and filling out the “template”.  The obituaries were void of emotion, of feeling, but were full of facts.  Life is not about facts it’s about feeling.

That day, Glen’s old blueprint self-gave up the ghost and died.  He is survived by the new vibrant blueprint Glen Underwood.  Or should I say the new Glen Underwood was born.  I want my obituary to state that I made the world a better place by being here.  That I touched lives and everyone who crossed my path was better off after doing so.  Maybe it was a smile, a compliment, or a silent gift of love, but they went away feeling more harmonious.

It’s simple to do.  Just give an act of kindness, be a little more courteous, and grow to be the person you were intended by your make to be.  It’s not easy, but it can be done



Mom, can I go outside and play?  Dad, can I watch TV? Mom, can I go to my friend’s house?

Ever since we were young we have been taught to ask for permission to do things.  Even when we went to school we were taught to raise our hands, sit quietly, and wait until we were given permission to speak.

While this is a good thing to keep order in the classroom or at home keep us safe since our parents knew what we were doing and with whom; it was a subtle lesson in not being enough, in subjugating our power.  It has taken MKMMA and several Decades of my life for me to realize this, to learn how powerful I am.

When I was younger and, as a young lad does, did stuff that was exciting, daring, risky and stupid. (The kind of things parents don’t want to know about and you certainly don’t want them to find out)  I would say after surviving the incident “God had something in mind for me, not sure what it is but he wants to keep me around for a while”.  Whether it was luck or divine intervention, at the time I was just happy I made it.

As I said it took far too long without a working compass in my life guiding me in the direction of what that thing was, or maybe it took all the winding and twisted paths I have taken to get me where I am today.  I’m sure my maker was shaking his head wondering if I would ever get it.  Circumstances in my life, (which I’m not going to go into since they don’t matter), and MKMMA have helped me discover my purpose.  At my stage of life most people are thinking about retiring and relaxing since “they have earned it”.  Not me, I’m starting out in a new direction with a passion to take on this challenge. It is a whole new direction in my life. Instead of going from job to job because I knew how to do it and the money was good I am entering a new field totally different than anything I have done before.  I have uncovered a need in our society and have decided to help people by filling that need.

But I digress…. (can you see how this is working into everything I am doing)

The Point is I don’t need to ask permission from anyone!  I already have the permission.  Granted by my creator, I have the power to get it done! I was put on this earth for a purpose, a purpose larger than earning money and raising a family.

You have the permission from your creator to be all that you were intended to be.  Find out what your purpose is, put your hand down and DO IT!


When people think of a journey they think of going somewhere, of physically going from one place to another.  Not all journeys are like that. Let me tell you a story about a lighthouse.

Along time ago in a land far away (can you tell it’s a story) there was a happy lighthouse. This lighthouse was on a rocky shore of a very treacherous section of ocean.  He worked day and night shining his light for all to see, keeping the ships away from the rocks and ensuring the passengers reached their destinations safely. It didn’t matter how hard he worked or how long it took for he knew he was making the world a safer and better place.  He often wondered how many people’s lives he affected, but it really didn’t matter he just focused on the ones close enough to shine his light on.

Slowly, over time the ocean shore changed and receded leaving him further and further inland making it harder and harder to help keep the ships safe. Years, no decades went by and he found himself totally landlocked.  No water could even be seen, a real problem for a lighthouse.  He felt discouraged, helpless and sad.  He was in the middle of nowhere with no one to shine for, no one to help. He was so depressed he turned off his light.

One very still, dark night when he was feeling lonely and depressed, he saw a faint light off in the desert.  It was going back and forth as if lost, but getting closer.  He wondered what or who would be in the desert at this hour and where they were going.  Suddenly, he had an idea!  What if I could shine my light and help them?  It had been so long since he let his light shine he had almost forgotten how.  He mustered his strength and turned on his light.  Dim at first, but as he worked at it, brighter and brighter it got until it shone in full brilliance!

He looked out on the desert toward the lights he saw and noticed they were no longer going back and forth but were headed straight for him!  He was helping someone!  He couldn’t believe how good he felt doing what he was designed to do! It made him feel alive, energized and full of purpose.  He still couldn’t imagine why someone was wandering in the desert, but was glad he could help.

As the lights got closer his sense of purpose grew until he could see them in his light.  He could hardly contain his excitement as they came closer and closer arriving at his door! Once inside, they explained they were trying to get to the ocean, got lost, ran out of food and water, and expected to die alone in the desert.  Then they saw the light from the lighthouse.  When they first saw it they weren’t sure what they were seeing, and as the light got brighter their hope and excitement grew until they realized they were not alone.  Someone cared!  Someone was willing to help!  They ate, drank, rested and got directions to the coast.  In the morning they continued on their journey with renewed faith.

After they left, the lighthouse looked inside himself, realized he was a lighthouse and he was created to shine his light whether anyone saw it or not!  From that day forward he let his light shine brightly all the time, feeling great about himself, knowing maybe, just maybe he is helping someone on their journey.

When I woke up this morning, my wife said “rise and shine”.  I never realized the true meaning and how profound this saying is.